How Septic Systems Work
When waste is flushed down your pipes, it travels through the main line and into your septic tank. When in the tank, bacteria that naturally occurs in the waste begins to break down the material in the tank. Solids begin to settle at the bottom and liquids rise to the top to be dispersed into a leach or drain field.
Signs of Failure
When your septic system begins to fail, there is normally a few tell tale signs. When you notice these, it is extremely important to contact a professional immediately.
• High surface or standing water in the leaching area
• Odor or slow drainage from household fixtures
• Lush vegetation or grass growth
• Sewage back-up into the home
Our septic professionals are able to quickly identify and create a plan to repair your septic system, to get it back to proper working order. With our 24 hour emergency services, we are able to help you with any problems, no matter what time of day.